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elder scrolls online download

The Elder Scrolls Online is an upcoming MMO (massively multiplayer online) game developed by Zenimax Online Studios. Players take the role of an adventurer, who can journey through the various provinces of Tamriel fighting enemies, completing quests, finding epic loot and meeting companions along the way.

The Plot
The game’s plot revolves around the infiltration of The Imperial City (the Capital of Cyrodiil) by the Daedric Lord Molag Bal and his agents. The player is an escapee from Molag Bal’s Daedric realm of Coldharbour who is thrust into Tamriel at a time of war. As you journey through Tamriel, leveling your character and exploring new provinces there will be a main story quest line that you can follow. This quest line allows you to journey back to Coldharbour and face the forces of Molag Bal yourself.
But this quest line isn’t the only plot element in the game. There will be world events called “Dark Anchors”, where cultists summon a portal to Coldharbour in an attempt to summon Daedra to come and take over Nirn. Players will be able to band together to repel these Daedra and close the portal. A cinematic version of this is shown in the “Arrival” cinematic trailer released by Zenimax.

The Three Factions
One of the key gameplay elements of The Elder Scrolls Online is the alliance war waging between the three factions in the game over the Ruby Throne in Cyrodiil. They are all contesting for the same prize, and in doing so are forced to fight one another. The player must align themselves with one of the factions in the Elder Scrolls Online.
- The Ebonheart Pact: An alliance of Nord, Dunmer (Dark Elves) and Argonian. Lead by the Nord Jorunn The Skald King, the forces of the Ebonheart Pact seek to take the throne of Cyrodiil from the corrupted Emperor by force. While the races of the Pact may have bad blood between each other, they have managed to successfully unite under the same banner in the past.
- The Aldmeri Dominion: Comprised of Altmer (High Elves), Bosmer (Wood Elves) and Khajiit, the Aldmeri Dominion unite under the leadership of the Altmer High Queen Ayrenn. They believe the races of man to be too weak to govern Cyrodiil’s Ruby Throne, and so march upon the Imperial City to take it for themselves.
- The Daggerfall Covenant: The Covenants races of Orsimer (Orc), Breton and Redguard are old enemies forced to fight as one for the good of their lands. The events in Cyrodiil have disrupted trade routes, causing poverty and suffering for the people of the Covenant. The three races seek vengeance on the Emperor for the pain he has caused them, and wish to bring their homelands to their former glory.
You can join any of these three alliances when they create their character. It’s an important decision to make, and will determine where you spend the majority of your time when questing and leveling up. An important thing to take note of is that you won’t be able to play with your friends if they are a different faction, so try and sort it out before hand if you plan to adventure with someone else. The decision of which faction to fight for also greatly affects PvP, as players of opposing factions will be fighting each other in Cyrodiil’s open world PvP.

The Nine Provinces
Unlike previous games in the Elder Scrolls franchise, The Elder Scrolls Online allows you to explore all nine provinces of Tamriel. While not all of the provinces will be available at launch, they will be included in future expansions for the game. The 9 provinces in The Elder Scrolls Online are:
- Cyrodiil: The heart of Tamriel. This is where The Elder Scrolls Online’s PvP will take place. Cyrodiil is ruled by an Elder Council lead by Imperial Battlemage Abnur Tharn – a secret Daedric worshipper who seeks to bring the realm of Molag Bal into Tamriel.
- Skyrim: The Home of the Nords, a cold and harsh land filled with ruins and snow ridden plains for players to explore. The ruler Jorunn The Skald King leads the Ebonheart Pact from his seat at The Palace of Kings in Windhelm, the centre for Skyrim’s commerce and war council.
– Morrowind: A strange land from which the Dunmer (Dark Elves) hail. Morrowind serves as main starting province for players of the Ebonheart Pact. Players may recognise the unique landscape, plantlife and wildlife from other Elder Scrolls games.
– The Black Marsh: Is the homeland of the Argonians. Full of dense swamps and dangerous creatures, the Black Marsh has shaped its native Argonians to become a hardy and resilient race. There is a somewhat lack of governing politics in the Black Marsh, and instead groups of Argonians form tribes.
– The Summerset Isles: Are home to the Altmer (High Elves). They are a series of three islands that are under the rule of the Dominion’s leader Queen Ayrenn. The Summerset isles are notoriously beautiful, and serve as the main starting area for Aldmeri Dominion players, who will find themselves sucked into Altmer Politics from the get go.
– Valenwood: Is the home of the Bosmer (Wood Elves). The region itself is primarily covered in forests and swamps, and the inhabitants themselves are connected by small roads that lead through the trees. The “green pact” of the Bosmer mean that they are unable to use wood or any plant derivatives as building materials. Meaning that much of the buildings there are made of imported stone.
– Elsweyr: The harsh expanse of Elsweyr is home to the cat race – The Khajiit. The land itself is filled with deserts and forests, which are home to many strange and unique races. The Khajiit people have a knack for stealth, and so many are plucked from Elswyr for use in the Dominion’s army as assassins and spies.
– High Rock: Is home to both the Bretons and the Orcs of Tamriel. The leader of the Daggerfall Covenant – High King Emeric – struck a treaty with the Orcs allowing them to claim part of the land for themselves. The province is a centre for farming, trade and all kinds of commerce. Bretons in particular are considered renown artisans.
– Hammerfell: Home to the famed Alik’r Desert, Hammerfell is the Redguard province. It serves as the starting area for players of the Daggerfall Covenant. The Alik’r Desert hosts a wide array of beasts, including Giant Scorpions, Centaurs and various Daedra.

Combat Systems
One of the things that sets The Elder Scrolls Online’s gameplay apart from other MMOs is its combat system. Unlike other MMOs, in which micromanaging large numbers of abilities is key, ESO only allows players to have a small number of abilities at any one time. This makes the game feel less like of a complex button masher, and more like a traditional Elder Scrolls game. It also vastly improves the game’s visuals, meaning there’s a lot more room for the player to view the environment they’re exploring instead of blocks of user interface.
In The Elder Scrolls Online, you’ll be able to play in both third person and first person. First person is arguably more immersive and traditional Elder Scrolls experience, but multiple people have commented that third person makes the game easier to play due to the larger view and awareness it offers the player.

Skill Lines
The abilities that you can use in combat come from Skill Trees. Using a weapon, a type of armor, or completing quests will give you levels in a skill tree. Having a certain amount of levels in a certain skill line will allow you to use skill points on the abilities in that tree. This means that in order to level up in a certain tree you need to use the skills from that tree.

ESO Classes
Classes aren’t as definitive in The Elder Scrolls Online than they are in other MMOs. Since there are a wide variety of skill lines not related to classes in the slightest, they only really serve as a starting point. A foundation to build your character on. There are four classes in The Elder Scrolls Online, each very different from the other – making for a much more unique character building experience even early on in the game. They are:
- The Nightblade: Nightblades are loosely based around the rogue. They deal lots of damage from stealth, surprising their enemies and taking them down quickly. With a lot of single target crowd control in their kit, Nightblades aren’t just inherent damage dealers and can provide lots of utility in both PvE and PvP
- The Dragonknight: Dragonknights are the bruisers of the game. They abilities focus on both taking damage and dealing it, making them a very versatile choice for players. The abilities in the Dragonknight skill trees have a Dragon theme. You’ll be able to breathe fire, grow wings and even turn enemies to stone.
– The Templar: Templars are generally seen as the support characters of ESO. Their name may suggest a Paladin type class, but that is only one of the routes for a Templar to go down. They harness the powers of light to heal allies, damage enemies and protect themselves.
- The Sorcerer: The Sorcerer is the mage archetype in The Elder Scrolls Online. The class mainly focuses on DPS, whether it be single target or area of effect. Sorcerers can also summon creatures to their aid, including Familiars and Clannfears.

Group Dungeons
During your time in Tamriel playing The Elder Scrolls Online, it’s likely you’ll spend hours fighting with your allies in Dungeons. These range from small dungeons you can find around the world to large group dungeons which require a full party to complete. Dungeons in ESO will provide a more cinematic feel than most solo play, and will give players the chance to test out their class synergy with other players. In game, you’ll be able to summon allies to dungeons to save on travelling time. Something that a lot of players value in MMOs.
Player Guilds
The Elder Scrolls Online will have several tools to help you play with your friends. The primary form of which is the Guild feature. Guilds are groups of players who work together in ESO, whether it be to help each other craft, complete dungeons, compete in Cyrodiil PvP or just to talk to one another. There are several incentives for players to use Guilds in ESO, one of which is the Guild Store. This is a system that allows players in a guild to sell items to one another internally. If the guild owns a keep in Cyrodiil, this will allow them to expand the Guild Store into other factions. Meaning they can sell to players who aren’t a part of their factions alliance.
Guilds are cross faction, so you can be in the same guild as someone even if you can’t quest or play with them. This means that even if your friends are in a different alliance, you can still connect with them socially through ESO’s Guild feature.

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